from beautiful.tumblr.comThis is an unexpected post coming, even for me.
It was about 8pm. Not too sure, didn't check my watch. But it was definitely after 7.30pm. It's kinda dark.
Was going home after dinner with my mom and my sister, and we passed by my primary school.
Someone caught my eye. It's a school boy. A school boy caught my eye.
It's around 8pm. The boy must have waited for more than an hour for his dad to pick him up. And I see a taxi picking this boy up. The father, the taxi driver, must have been worried too. But his job needs him. He's probably able to make a few more ringgit while his son waited.
This Indian family (the father and son were both Indians) didn't lead easy lives, my mum assumes. But I thought they made a good choice of sending his son to Chinese school. Chinese language will come in handy for this little boy someday.
This boy waits for an hour to get home every weekday (I think). God just sent me a
timely reminder. I am so blessed. I should start/continue counting my blessings. Life does not revolve around me(!). It causes me to think and care for others.
Observing people and things around can prove to be inspiring. That's how God refreshes me, sometime. :)