Based on the real-life story of Aron Ralston. If you check out Aron's page on Wikipedia, you'll find out what his story is about.
To summarise, guy goes mountain hiking without letting anyone know, guy gets stuck in his hike in a very deep part of the mountain with a big rock crushing one of his hands, guy cuts off hand with dull knife to escape. There, 40 words.
Side note: The amputation scene in the movie was so real and intense that it made several spectators faint in the premiere at Toronto International Film Festival. 0.0
Plus points: Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) as director and James Franco as Ralston. READ: James Franco!!
2. Am going to snip every page covering the Galas by-election out of the Star newspaper, starting from today, yes
Surprisingly, it's actually kind of interesting to observe politics when you get the whole idea behind it (courtesy of Malaysian Studies). My dad also pop-quizzed me about Galas this morning while I analysed the newspaper cutting. BTW Galas is the state level seat while its parliament level seat is Gua Musang. (Not so interesting a fact when you don't understand the whole big picture)
3. Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual (reasonable) act of worship.
-Romans 12:1
Dead sacrifices in the Old Testament. Living sacrifices in the New Testament.
Living sacrifices; to die to self (this not physically but spiritually), to be selfless, to act in His obedience.
To quote Pr Chris Kam on his pulpit message: "What is the hardest thing to do? To die to self."
4. Not forgetting, assignmentspresentationeditingtopicaltesttwofinalexaminationsin2weekstime. Yup, that's how crowded my brain is now. It's as if I only have 127 hours left!