Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Butterfly Award, courtesy of Wei Wei

Unfortunately this award can only be pass along to another 10 people. If the sky was the limit, I would have named every name on my blogroll as "Cool Bloggers"!

So, yes. Every blogger I know of are cool in their own strut. I'm talking about you. =D

Some have already received this award - so I'll name new ones (in no particular order).

1. Shaleeni

Credits of picture: Andrew Chan's blog

She has a quirky style of writing and I just love it.

Her words are very encouraging to digest, too!
Credits of picture: Wei-En's blog

The girl on your left.

Some may be surprised by this, but Wei-En is a blogger lol.

Click the Ant. =P

3. Iona
Credits of picture: Iona's blog

Another quirky and humorous blogger I know of.

She was once my engaged partner XD.

4. Tze-En
Credits of picture: Tze-En's blog


If you want to see how pretty she really is, go to her blog.

Her enthusiasm is so strong that it stays on her blog, and it hits you next!

Encouraging posts are never lacking as well.

5. Joo Li
Credits of picture: Joo Li's blog

The pretty girl in front.

Mandarin posts are posted in huge volume.

Here, I get to recap Chinese words I'd long forgotten.

But her words doesn't bore me as Chinese texts do lol.
Credits of picture: Iona's blog

The girl on your right. (Notice Wai How making another appearance lol.)

Her writing is as smooth as her singing.

Pretty amazing to read, really - especially the poems!
Credits of picture: Ivan's blog

At least his writing doesn't pout as much.

He's almost the secretary of college bloggers since there are so many write-ups on college activities on his page.

Still, most articles are above satisfactory level, haha.

8. Pek Kuan
Credits of picture: Joo Li's blog

Another enthusiast (look above, lol!) who blogs both in Chinese and English.

She keep things simple yet she's generous in her writing.

If you're interested in Taekwando (like she is), you should not miss this blog!

9. Chian Hui & Su Faye

Credits of picture: Chian Hui and Su Faye's blog

There are lots of picture to explore on their page.

And many more adventures and holiday trips not to be missed! =D

"Encouraging thoughts" 's rating is high again for this blog.

10. Wei Wei

Credits of picture: Wei Wei's blog

The one who gave me the award!

*Sheds a tear*

She's a much better blogger than I am. Honestly.

Her raw honesty shines through all her postings. And yes, it's a compliment XD!

This blog comes with my highest recommendation ler.

To receive this award, you'd need to:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Signing off,
I started blogging at 3.55pm and now it's 5.02pm. No, I'm not slow lah.

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