I stayed away from this blog for too long (having my finals). I'll make it up by posting something a little different.
A 33 year-old man was nailed to death on Good Friday.
The reason behind the nailing was very simple, people called him a liar. A very very big liar.
But the thing was, he didn't lie.
All he did was telling people about the greatest news ever, but people doubted him because they thought it was
too good to be true. They decided they didn't want to hear all the nonsense anymore and called him a joke, sending him to be nailed to death.
This man who willingly laid down his life as a sacrifice for many was Jesus, and although he died, he rose again 3 days later. He certainly wasn't joking when he said that "I am the Son of God. I am the way, the truth, and the life."

Jesus is still alive till this day. The empty tomb is there to prove my Savior lives.
1 Corinthians 15:17And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.He died on the cross for the wrongdoings of
every single person. I live to take up my cross.

Signing off,
Rev David Pawson said that
the Bible is like a romance-genre book, from the beginning till the end, it's about a bride getting ready for her marriage, and finally meeting the bridegroom. Never occurred to me like that before..
Blessed Easter ppl! ;)