
I found a picture with 99% persamaan lor.

Wai How imitating Wee Han; Joo Li imitating Janelle; Wei Wei imitating Iona.

"We can be original too okay."
Well I have to tell you our journey to PJ. I am hilariously-inspired to write this down.

This is Wei Wei's Honda Accord. Except that this picture taken from Google doesn't have its bumper sticking out hahaha.
It's no fun riding in Wei Wei's Honda Accord when the hot weather made every one of us - Chee Hong, Joo Li, Wei Wei, Wai How and me! - sweat like pigs. At least I know I was sweating like a pig.
Anyway, we paid the 60 cent toll and suddenly
the radio and the meter reader died.Literally.
Even when Chee Hong stepped on the accelerator to its fullest, the meter reader read ZERO. I was pretty sure all of us freaked out like nobody's business.
si liao. Almost.
But the meter reader worked again when the air-conditioner was shut off. We work hard to sweat harder than pigs, hehehe.
No choice lor. Got to turn back and drive Wai How's manual Wira.

For once, the Malaysian Wira was really a
*Interrupted by an SMS sent by my mom*
Mum: PJ is raining very very very very very very very heavily. Drive carefully and ask the back seaters to buckle up.Jue Lyn: Eh, PJ's raining. Wear your seat belts. Wai How, drive carefully ah.We couldn't be more overjoyed. The sweating was about to end...!
And I forgotten to mention that Chee Hong's size is close to mine. He even fitted nicely into my shirt and pants! (Scary)

And oh. We found cows in Bandar Botanic (Wai How's housing area), can you imagine?

A picture to prove my honesty LOL.