Saturday, August 16, 2008


How bored can a girl be when she enters Wiki and reads an article on Mandibular Third Molar? I tell you, she's plain bored!

Mandibular Third Molar is the so-called scientific name for wisdom tooth. You thought I was going to post about some science discovery?! Or some guy by the name of Bular bathing (mandi) in the Third Molar? Okay, that was lame (Hides my face while I read that line all over again).

Owh, and I've finally understood the meaning of wisdom tooth!

It's called wisdom tooth because... they appear later than your baby and normal teeth. Meaning when you're wise only does it appear. Serious. It should also come out when you're 16-25 years old. Start being wiser now? Ahahhaaha.

There are disturbing pictures on Wiki with wisdom tooth stories going on. Go there on your own free will lol. I don't want to hit your face with them (though I am very tempted to!).

My wisdom tooth surgery will be on this Monday and I'm thankful for those who had prayed for me. Though I'm more afraid of the post-surgical effects. Who asked me to read the Wiki article (I did). Now I scared myself liao.

"Bleeding and oozing is inevitable and should be expected to last up to three days."
3 days??? 3 words from Wei Wei, "What the Cheese?"

"Swelling. The duration of swelling varies from case to case."
If my face is still bengkak by Semester 2, don't poke me with questions.

"Should any nerve be in close proximity to the surgical site, there are concerns on nerve injury."

Alamak. I'm pretty much doomed, no? I might actually rot physically in my mouth. Gahh.
I need to go into that dental clinic in faith, faith is conquered fear after all.
Jesus, I pray for strength!

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