Monday, December 29, 2008

Well, it wasn't Lala.

Hormones googled.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I told myself (and my friends), a Japanese chick flick won't hurt.


That was until the movie started. It wasn't half-close to Japanese. My left hand covered my left eye and my right hand did the same.

"Psst! It's a Thai film!"

Oh-oh. Rated U some more. Sure anot??

Well, I was proven wrong as a doubting Thomas. I actually won't mind watching Hormones again! This is getting ridiculously cheesy, I know.

Hormones adapts the Love Actually concept. If unfamiliar, imagine the Enid Blyton concept. "Hormones and other stories".

Well no. Not really. This movie is divided into 4 sagas where characters of different sagas don't actually know each other.

ONE: Two boys who find pleasure competing for the same girl's hand phone number.

TWO: One girl who is the overly-obsessed fan of Taiwanese pop singer.

THREE: A young man who has thoughts of lust after his girlfriend leaves for a summer break.

FOUR: A geek who falls for his best friend, the school's most popular girl.

Movie trailer.

Signing off,
Having pins-and-needles now.

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