Flip the words over and you'll have the word sex.
Everyone who updated their blog recently had this keyword in their blog. Is that the theme of the week? Haha.
Ookay, probably not. But anyways, it's a "deep+interesting+normal, not taboo" subject to talk about, not do okay?? Lol.
Ms Joey's craziness spread to some classmates of ours, maybe?
For those of you who didn't attend Thursday's MAT120 class, here's a slight recap; the clean cut version of things.
Ms Joey Kong, our beloved Finite Maths teacher talked about how difficult it was for her to travel all the way from Taman Bukit Cheras (Kedai Runcit beside the Highway) to Klang during a slight break.
She said she 'lost' her quality time with her family. She even admitted that she slept earlier than her baby - when she was supposed to tap her child into sleep. Hahaha.
Okay, so imagine this teacher is talking about 'quality time with her family' with teenagers who have multitudes of hormones. Something was bound to happen.
Deepa asked Ms Joey (with loads of honesty here) : Miss, how about romance time?
Laughters filled the room.
Ms Joey : Pfft! Erm, we do it in the morning la!!
The whole class shooked with laughter, literally.
Mathew : Huh? Can ahh?? Where got syok??
Ms Joey : My husband anytime also syok wan.
Ookay, enough reading for those underaged - meaning you! I'm about to be complained, right?
Well, that was just a point I wanted to prove. Pre-marital sex is not an option if you wanna have the most romantic type of HRRMM.
Heard of No Apologies? I'm one of those real blessed people in Malaysia who actually sat through it. SMK Taman S.E.A. paid for it so that all of us studying in there could truly understand what it means to wait.
Everybody else besides you might have given in, but you don't have to ehh. It's not easy, I get... lol. But it's something that you'll never regret!
1 Timothy 5:22b
Keep yourself pure.
PS: Ms Joey is a great teacher, so don't sue her or anything kay? =)
PPS: My wisdom tooth hurts. I need to pull it out lar, I think. Yikes.
Be strong on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Bottle and the Lid
Everything comes together. It forms a circle I suppose.

These few days, I've been treasuring a lot of things...
Smaller things like how God helped me to recover a key chain.
Smaller things like carrying a jacket to college in case it gets chilly (I have lazy bones).
Moderate things like not cursing too much (don't look at me!).
Moderate things like not using too much tissue papers (I am addicted to them).
Bigger things like realizing that my life is way blessed.
Traveled to Jumble Station (a new link I added) last Sunday and I must say, the servants' heart are bright. They serve God and their community the best way they can.
Makes me wonder. What (else) do I have to do today besides what I am doing?
Quote from Wei Wei and every cliche (but true) movie,
Life is Short.
Also, I watched Kung Fu Panda yesterday on Youtube. I guess I do *heart* Youtube. Part 1-10 was available though the last 3 parts were not (suspended liao, LOL).
The turtle said something to me,
"The past is history. The future is a mystery. Today is a gift! That's why it's called the present."
I figured it must be meaningful because Jane Tomomi uses it too! View her blog here.
Not forgetting, the people who brightens up my life! My life is filled with colours because of you =) Don't doubt la, you brighten up my life because you read my blog! LOL.
Doesn't sound right. Rephrase.
Yeala, you are one of those who brighten up my life!!! *hugs*
Life is a tough lesson. Use it well. May it be:-
- learning how to use your email account (Ivan, hahah, secret exposed!)
- learning how to talk better in front of crowds (TMC!)
- learning how to blog more regularly (me specifically lol)
- learning to be happy with who we are.
- learning to walk closer with the Creator of the Universe.
Have a great week people! Exams are approaching soon...

These few days, I've been treasuring a lot of things...
Smaller things like how God helped me to recover a key chain.
Smaller things like carrying a jacket to college in case it gets chilly (I have lazy bones).
Moderate things like not cursing too much (don't look at me!).
Moderate things like not using too much tissue papers (I am addicted to them).
Bigger things like realizing that my life is way blessed.
Traveled to Jumble Station (a new link I added) last Sunday and I must say, the servants' heart are bright. They serve God and their community the best way they can.
Makes me wonder. What (else) do I have to do today besides what I am doing?
Quote from Wei Wei and every cliche (but true) movie,
Life is Short.
Also, I watched Kung Fu Panda yesterday on Youtube. I guess I do *heart* Youtube. Part 1-10 was available though the last 3 parts were not (suspended liao, LOL).
The turtle said something to me,
"The past is history. The future is a mystery. Today is a gift! That's why it's called the present."
I figured it must be meaningful because Jane Tomomi uses it too! View her blog here.
Not forgetting, the people who brightens up my life! My life is filled with colours because of you =) Don't doubt la, you brighten up my life because you read my blog! LOL.
Doesn't sound right. Rephrase.
Yeala, you are one of those who brighten up my life!!! *hugs*
Life is a tough lesson. Use it well. May it be:-
- learning how to use your email account (Ivan, hahah, secret exposed!)
- learning how to talk better in front of crowds (TMC!)
- learning how to blog more regularly (me specifically lol)
- learning to be happy with who we are.
- learning to walk closer with the Creator of the Universe.
Have a great week people! Exams are approaching soon...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Drove, Shopped, Updated My Blog
Sunday morning, 20/07/08
Had fun shopping at One U. And no I didn't skip church la. Attended celebration yesterday... =)
I went to shop with my parents... and guess what?
I drove.
I had fun driving on the road, letting the car hop once in a while when we came to hums; turning into the (pretty narrow) parking entrance - my hands were long enough to press the button to collect the ticket thankfully; and I found a parking spot! How nice is that?? It was a straight parking spot. God blessed me once again!
My primary objective in the shopping trip was to search for a dark blazer. Will be needing it on the 29th. (And I apologize for sounding too formal as well, but this is what happens when you update your blog in the midst of numerous assignments.) Yikes.
Anyways, I found one which suits me just right from Accent. Not too small, not too big, not too aunt-ish... You get the drill. I was thinking we'd head home after that since my mom wasn't planning on buying anything besides helping me to choose my stuff. Then ah...
We saw this lovely hand bag.

Joo Li was right. I am a good girl!
And Wei Wei too, you snapped me eating in the library. What becomes of my good girl image? (Lol.) I was hungry. What's a hungry girl to do?
Not forgetting, I snapped someone else too (not revenge k? lol).
Had fun shopping at One U. And no I didn't skip church la. Attended celebration yesterday... =)
I went to shop with my parents... and guess what?
I drove.
I had fun driving on the road, letting the car hop once in a while when we came to hums; turning into the (pretty narrow) parking entrance - my hands were long enough to press the button to collect the ticket thankfully; and I found a parking spot! How nice is that?? It was a straight parking spot. God blessed me once again!
My primary objective in the shopping trip was to search for a dark blazer. Will be needing it on the 29th. (And I apologize for sounding too formal as well, but this is what happens when you update your blog in the midst of numerous assignments.) Yikes.
Anyways, I found one which suits me just right from Accent. Not too small, not too big, not too aunt-ish... You get the drill. I was thinking we'd head home after that since my mom wasn't planning on buying anything besides helping me to choose my stuff. Then ah...
We saw this lovely hand bag.

It took us a while to decide whether to buy it or not. For me, at least. My mom cannot window shop at all wan! So I was there thinking "to buy or not to buy"...
And because you see this picture of the bag hanging on my door, you know I bought it. So I confess, I bought it! Lols.
My mom then tried to drag me into another store, Vincci. It's my personal favorite shoe shop, since they have big shoes for people with big legs like me. My mom really knows how to push my buttons.
She dragged me in and asked me to try on a pair of shoe with gold-like color and short, sharp heel. Now I don't describe shoes well to the perfection, but I hope you don't mind and can imagine it with me (hahaha). But this time, I turned the situation around and guess who bought the shoes? She did! LOLS. So I didn't overspend my dad's money, not exactly la. Hehe.
And because you see this picture of the bag hanging on my door, you know I bought it. So I confess, I bought it! Lols.
My mom then tried to drag me into another store, Vincci. It's my personal favorite shoe shop, since they have big shoes for people with big legs like me. My mom really knows how to push my buttons.
She dragged me in and asked me to try on a pair of shoe with gold-like color and short, sharp heel. Now I don't describe shoes well to the perfection, but I hope you don't mind and can imagine it with me (hahaha). But this time, I turned the situation around and guess who bought the shoes? She did! LOLS. So I didn't overspend my dad's money, not exactly la. Hehe.
Joo Li was right. I am a good girl!
And Wei Wei too, you snapped me eating in the library. What becomes of my good girl image? (Lol.) I was hungry. What's a hungry girl to do?
Not forgetting, I snapped someone else too (not revenge k? lol).
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Got tagged by Ms. Tan Aisha, Ms. Louise Chia Chia Yee and (recently) Ms. Lim Joo Li.
I'm not going to post the instructions here as I'm too lazy to tag anybody. =p
1. At what age do you intend to marry?
I'll give it a range of 27-30.
2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage?
I have considered this. And the result of my consideration... It's bad, not to mention, unromantic eh! So no go.
3. Do you smoke?
I almost suffocated at the lift of Level 2 in Klang Parade. What do you think?
4. List out two gifts you'd like to receive now.
I think I'd wanna watch a Leonardo DiCaprio movie. The Aviator/The Departed (censored version one la.)/Blood Diamond/Revolutionary Road (I know this movie isn't released yet lol.)
5. Who did you text most lately?
Wei Wei.
6. How old are you?
I can drive. Go figure.
7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money?
I bought a butter bun for RM 1.20.
8. State 3 people of the opposite sex that first comes into your mind. Who would you most likely date?
None of the above. They're fictional males! LOL.
9. Where do you wish to get married?
In a church. =)
10. Getting married is going to heaven or to grave?
Heaven, right? Love lifts us up where we belong...
11. How many kids do you want?
Of all questions... Lol.
12. Are you in love?
In love with Jesus! Does that count?
13. Have you been cheated by others before? Who?
I don't think so. =)
14. Name the latest book you bought?
"A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks. Got it for RM3.00. It's for charity. But I do have the original movie in my home. Lovely story. Btw, the song "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore is a major hit of its soundtrack.
15. Do you believe in God?
Yes I do.
16. Name your favourite game or sport.
If sleeping was a sport...
17. Name the first person that comes to your mind now.
Shane West. No idea who he is? Go google.
18. The most exciting place you'd wanna go?
Right now? It's shopping. I know it's not a place la! Lol.
19. Hugs or Kisses?
Honestly? I don't know hahah.
20. Single or attached?
Single. Woohoo!
21. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
Chia Yee
1. She's a great friend, I totally see it in her!
2. I think she likes purple? Her blog's pretty purple! =D
3. Can really go far (talking) for 10 marks in Victor's class.
4. Hates the name Nancy! Lols.
5. Another CY. I've met many CYs!
1. The new iPod in town, iSha.
2. She's mature, can't you tell already? (it's a compliment btw lol)
3. "Hey sexy!"
4. She's smart. End of discussion lol.
5. Great friend to hang out with!
Joo Li
1. Love her hair! Who doesn't eh lol.
2. She's not really that quiet once you get to know her. Victor really doesn't know her LOL.
3. She loves Siew Mei! Can you tell?
4. Tagged me without notifying me on the chatbox! Pengsan haha. Only knew I was tagged by her after reading her blog.
5. She can be your next-door Maths tutor. She's that good!
I'm not going to post the instructions here as I'm too lazy to tag anybody. =p
1. At what age do you intend to marry?
I'll give it a range of 27-30.
2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage?
I have considered this. And the result of my consideration... It's bad, not to mention, unromantic eh! So no go.
3. Do you smoke?
I almost suffocated at the lift of Level 2 in Klang Parade. What do you think?
4. List out two gifts you'd like to receive now.
I think I'd wanna watch a Leonardo DiCaprio movie. The Aviator/The Departed (censored version one la.)/Blood Diamond/Revolutionary Road (I know this movie isn't released yet lol.)
5. Who did you text most lately?
Wei Wei.
6. How old are you?
I can drive. Go figure.
7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money?
I bought a butter bun for RM 1.20.
8. State 3 people of the opposite sex that first comes into your mind. Who would you most likely date?
None of the above. They're fictional males! LOL.
9. Where do you wish to get married?
In a church. =)
10. Getting married is going to heaven or to grave?
Heaven, right? Love lifts us up where we belong...
11. How many kids do you want?
Of all questions... Lol.
12. Are you in love?
In love with Jesus! Does that count?
13. Have you been cheated by others before? Who?
I don't think so. =)
14. Name the latest book you bought?
"A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks. Got it for RM3.00. It's for charity. But I do have the original movie in my home. Lovely story. Btw, the song "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore is a major hit of its soundtrack.
15. Do you believe in God?
Yes I do.
16. Name your favourite game or sport.
If sleeping was a sport...
17. Name the first person that comes to your mind now.
Shane West. No idea who he is? Go google.
18. The most exciting place you'd wanna go?
Right now? It's shopping. I know it's not a place la! Lol.
19. Hugs or Kisses?
Honestly? I don't know hahah.
20. Single or attached?
Single. Woohoo!
21. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
Chia Yee
1. She's a great friend, I totally see it in her!
2. I think she likes purple? Her blog's pretty purple! =D
3. Can really go far (talking) for 10 marks in Victor's class.
4. Hates the name Nancy! Lols.
5. Another CY. I've met many CYs!
1. The new iPod in town, iSha.
2. She's mature, can't you tell already? (it's a compliment btw lol)
3. "Hey sexy!"
4. She's smart. End of discussion lol.
5. Great friend to hang out with!
Joo Li
1. Love her hair! Who doesn't eh lol.
2. She's not really that quiet once you get to know her. Victor really doesn't know her LOL.
3. She loves Siew Mei! Can you tell?
4. Tagged me without notifying me on the chatbox! Pengsan haha. Only knew I was tagged by her after reading her blog.
5. She can be your next-door Maths tutor. She's that good!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Loading for Updates
Sick of the bitter gourd update yet, anyone?
Me too.
Well, I do have a very good reason for not updating. In fact, a VERY VERY good one. I've been watching Titanic lately (Note for Pek Kuan and Janelle : I watched Titanic 2 weeks ago, yes, but I watched halfway ma! So this past week was the continuation of the movie LOL).

I know this movie isn't exactly 'hot' or 'cool' at this point in time, but I was star-strucked lar. Since I've been missing out ALL the summer movies this year - no I haven't watch Kung Fu Panda, same for Made of Honor, or Get Smart, definitely not Hancock. I watched none - I stayed home and tuned in to the 1997 Megahit Titanic. I watched it on Youtube. Surprisingly it had clear edits.
How did it managed to stick to my memory so long? I don't know exactly. But I think I wanted Jack to come back to life. Yeah, durh. Maybe if Rose had gotten into the life boat the second place (yeah, second, as it was her second time), then she could have spared Jack's life as Jack could have slept above the sea on the wooden door thingy. Blah. This discussion is supposed to take place a decade ago, not now!
Ish. See. That's why I no longer update. Haha. I'm not up-to-date!
Hopping from blogs to blogs, I see people eating in Rejab and celebrating Caleb's 22nd B-day. Funny, I was MIA! Lol.
Before this post ends, let us remember the quote that Secret Lady *ahem* Wei Wei told us ever-silently, "A smile can light up even the darkest night."
And oh, iSha! (The new iPod in town? lol) Thanks for telling and showing me how to use the video capturing device on my camera. I was blur like anything! Thank you!
Me too.
Well, I do have a very good reason for not updating. In fact, a VERY VERY good one. I've been watching Titanic lately (Note for Pek Kuan and Janelle : I watched Titanic 2 weeks ago, yes, but I watched halfway ma! So this past week was the continuation of the movie LOL).

I know this movie isn't exactly 'hot' or 'cool' at this point in time, but I was star-strucked lar. Since I've been missing out ALL the summer movies this year - no I haven't watch Kung Fu Panda, same for Made of Honor, or Get Smart, definitely not Hancock. I watched none - I stayed home and tuned in to the 1997 Megahit Titanic. I watched it on Youtube. Surprisingly it had clear edits.
How did it managed to stick to my memory so long? I don't know exactly. But I think I wanted Jack to come back to life. Yeah, durh. Maybe if Rose had gotten into the life boat the second place (yeah, second, as it was her second time), then she could have spared Jack's life as Jack could have slept above the sea on the wooden door thingy. Blah. This discussion is supposed to take place a decade ago, not now!
Ish. See. That's why I no longer update. Haha. I'm not up-to-date!
Hopping from blogs to blogs, I see people eating in Rejab and celebrating Caleb's 22nd B-day. Funny, I was MIA! Lol.
Before this post ends, let us remember the quote that Secret Lady *ahem* Wei Wei told us ever-silently, "A smile can light up even the darkest night."
And oh, iSha! (The new iPod in town? lol) Thanks for telling and showing me how to use the video capturing device on my camera. I was blur like anything! Thank you!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Bitter Gourd
While everybody still can't get enough of 4th of July, I'm posting something else. Lol.
Thank you guys for posting my name on your blogs! Wherever I blog-hopped, I saw myself and let me tell you, it feels good! Hahahahahaha.
Had dinner before this, my dad+my mom+I (my sister wasn't there hahah) ate at this restaurant with a straight-forward-here-it-hits-you-name, Restoran Fu Kua, which translates directly into English as "The Bitter Gourd Restaurant". That's right, what a cool name.
Anyways, it's a good place to eat at. But it wasn't like that the first time. Honestly, I dreaded walking into that shop! I was like many youths today where you can label me as the I-hate-bitter-gourd-so-no-point-asking-me-to-try-it teenager.
So maybe I've grown out of the teenager shell since I LOVE to eat bitter gourd now.
"Seriously, she must be joking!"
"No, I'm not."
That place cooks bitter gourd until its soft like anything. Which means it's nice. Soft=nice. Other examples of soft food which I love include tofu, soya, etc -- that's why I'm fair ma lol. Not really. It's a myth lar.
This post is random. Yikes. Think I should stop crapping now. *Shows pictures*

Disclaimer : These pictures do not belong to me. I do not own them. Though I wish to eat them? Lol.
Thank you guys for posting my name on your blogs! Wherever I blog-hopped, I saw myself and let me tell you, it feels good! Hahahahahaha.
Had dinner before this, my dad+my mom+I (my sister wasn't there hahah) ate at this restaurant with a straight-forward-here-it-hits-you-name, Restoran Fu Kua, which translates directly into English as "The Bitter Gourd Restaurant". That's right, what a cool name.
Anyways, it's a good place to eat at. But it wasn't like that the first time. Honestly, I dreaded walking into that shop! I was like many youths today where you can label me as the I-hate-bitter-gourd-so-no-point-asking-me-to-try-it teenager.
So maybe I've grown out of the teenager shell since I LOVE to eat bitter gourd now.
"Seriously, she must be joking!"
"No, I'm not."
That place cooks bitter gourd until its soft like anything. Which means it's nice. Soft=nice. Other examples of soft food which I love include tofu, soya, etc -- that's why I'm fair ma lol. Not really. It's a myth lar.
This post is random. Yikes. Think I should stop crapping now. *Shows pictures*

Disclaimer : These pictures do not belong to me. I do not own them. Though I wish to eat them? Lol.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Ms Hoooooong!
So you're 16! Whew. Finally. Thought this day (for you to be more mature, lol) would never come. Hahahahhaaha.
*I hear a chorus of "Fine. Be that way."*
Too bad the surprise birthday party wasn't a surprise. But I had tons of fun, the green-and-white kind of fun haha, hope the other cell members had a blast, too!

I'm totally encouraged when you called me out to light 1/16 of the candles. And that phrase you had for my name. 'Spiritual role model'. Wow. To God be all the praise! I'm telling you, I'm never gonna forget that moment! Hahaha.
And then there was the wine-drinking session! Can you imagine we drank merrily after eating D24? LOLX!
3: Lookie what happens to the both of them! Hahahahahahahahahaahahah. They gave me a good laugh with those sour faces lol. It was a split second thing. Super funny.
I wish I was able to post up the pics from Tony Roma's. Too bad things are not working out the way I wish it would. Me pout. Wei-En hi-fives Jue Ann (my annoying sister, lol).
Ish. Now, I want to remind you guys again that chocolates are so not vegetables!
Yes, chocolate is extracted from cocoa plants. Beans of the plant specifically. Beans = vegetables.
Sugar is extracted from sugar beat. Sugar beat is a vegetable.
Chocolate is a vegetable!
Now, tell me, how many of you actually fell for this not so smart explaination?
Just to make my point clear, chocolates aren't vegetables!
And STRESSED aren't meant for you to over-eat DESSERTS. Though they mirror each other's reflections when spelt backwards.
Haih. Too much la this b'day girl... I'm influenced by you! I'm snorting while laughing. How did this spread to me?? Lol. Hopefully, I won't do it in front of my collegemates la, hhaha.

*I hear a chorus of "Fine. Be that way."*
Too bad the surprise birthday party wasn't a surprise. But I had tons of fun, the green-and-white kind of fun haha, hope the other cell members had a blast, too!
The cake of the evening. Durian flavoured. For you I ate that cake, Wei-En! You know durian doesn't open my appetite much lol.
I'm totally encouraged when you called me out to light 1/16 of the candles. And that phrase you had for my name. 'Spiritual role model'. Wow. To God be all the praise! I'm telling you, I'm never gonna forget that moment! Hahaha.
And then there was the wine-drinking session! Can you imagine we drank merrily after eating D24? LOLX!
*Thanks Andrew (Au), for the 'AA' quality pic. Great, you're learning to crack lame jokes hahha.*
Ish. Now, I want to remind you guys again that chocolates are so not vegetables!
Yes, chocolate is extracted from cocoa plants. Beans of the plant specifically. Beans = vegetables.
Sugar is extracted from sugar beat. Sugar beat is a vegetable.
Chocolate is a vegetable!
Now, tell me, how many of you actually fell for this not so smart explaination?
Just to make my point clear, chocolates aren't vegetables!
And STRESSED aren't meant for you to over-eat DESSERTS. Though they mirror each other's reflections when spelt backwards.
Haih. Too much la this b'day girl... I'm influenced by you! I'm snorting while laughing. How did this spread to me?? Lol. Hopefully, I won't do it in front of my collegemates la, hhaha.
A picture of Ms. Hoong Wei-En.
Happy birthday missie.
Hope you liked my prezzie.
Glad you met someone shorter than you in Cineleisure.
Ouch. It sounded so wrong lol!
Continue to grow in the Lord girl, for the Lord is able to stretch our faith.
You've been a blessing. A true blue blessing.
Pray you'll continue to be one to others =)
Happy birthday missie.
Hope you liked my prezzie.
Glad you met someone shorter than you in Cineleisure.
Ouch. It sounded so wrong lol!
Continue to grow in the Lord girl, for the Lord is able to stretch our faith.
You've been a blessing. A true blue blessing.
Pray you'll continue to be one to others =)
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