Friday, September 5, 2008

Aisha Says "A Reason to Update".

1. A picture of you in the most unique environment:

5 beautiful girls = unique environment.
Look at the dirty plates and glasses and gravy (puke!) and tissue paper.
Can you say 'unique environment'?

2. A picture of you at somewhere you dislike:

3. A picture of someone that means a lot to you:

I like to hang around cute people ahhahaha.
And no, cute people don't need to be topless =.=

4. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth open):

(Due to my laziness to search for pictures hehe.)

5. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth close):
Hahahhahahahahhahaha. I ALWAYS smile with my mouth open!

6. A picture of your lamest post:

I don't post lame posts...

...except for the bitter gourd one.

7. A picture of you with some toys or cute stuff:

CG Outing in church. =D

8. A picture of you in a white shirt:

It's not me T.T.
(I don't have a picture with a white shirt =.=)

9. A candid picture of you and your friends:

Sibeh candid.
[Church mates]

Not so candid. Wa suka!
[College mates]

-No pics from the schooling days. Didn't blog, didn't take photo. XD-

10. A picture of the person who tagged you:

Sorry Ivan, I only have this one where you dozed off! Kekeke.

I tag:
Wee Han
Pek Kuan
Rachel Tan
Andrew Chan
Ke Xin
Chian Hui+Su Faye

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