Be strong on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tagged by Chia Yee and Wei Wei. Friendship tag LOL
Since I'm tagged by two person, I think I will answer the question for Chia Yee and Wei Wei in green and pink respectively. =)
1. What is your relationship with her?
Chia Yee's my friend. So is Wei Wei.
2. Your 5 impressions towards her.
Chia Yee's pretty, independent, laid-back, attentive, honest.
Wei Wei's easy-going, silly, honest, lovely, funny.
3. The most memorable thing she has done for you.
She always provides me with sweet. Lol.
She can make you feel you're in her throne or something. All the spotlight on you. XD
4. The most memorable thing she has said to you:
"Gan zhuo, gan dang."-I think, hahaha.
"Victor's test sure come out Pygmalion Effect and Galatea Effect one." And it did. XD
5. If she becomes your lover, you will:
Love them both lah. =.=
6. If she becomes your enemy, you will:
Hate them both lah. JOKING. LOL. Love them more. hahahhaa. We must love our enemies, right? XD
NOTE: I am skipping questions 7 and 8 and 9 since they are so non-logical for a girl-girl relationship. XD
7. If she becomes your lover, she has to improve on:
8. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is:
9. The most desirable thing to do on her is:
10. Your overall impression of her is:
Dependable, awesome mate!
Forever 21. LOL. J/k.
11. How do you think the people around you will feel around you?
You tell me lah. XD
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Must be thick skin hehehe.
13. On the contrary, the character you hate for yourself is?
Too laid-back at times.
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is:
Godly. Disciplined. Type-A personality? Kuakuakua.
15. For the friends who care about and likes you, say something about them:
Thank you for being my friend. God must have placed you in my life for whatever reasons lah. I'm happy to know each and everyone of you. =)
16. 10 friends to tag:
1. Wee Han
2. Iona
3. Janelle Ng
4. Aisha
5. Wai How
6. Chee Hong
7. Joo Li
8. Pek Kuan
9. Mathew
10. Ivan
17. Who is No.2 having a relationship with?
She has a boyfriend. I don't know who lah LOL.
18. Is No.3 a male or a female?
Female. Judge for yourselves.
19. If No.7 and No.10 were together, would it be a good thing?
I don't know, but I guess not for the time-being. Hahaha.
20. How about No.5 and No.8?
I have no comments! Just have buckets of laughter. HAHAHA.
21. What is No.1 studying?
22. Is No.4 single?
I think. =)
23. Say something about No.6.
He never updates his blog. =.=!
1. What is your relationship with her?
Chia Yee's my friend. So is Wei Wei.
2. Your 5 impressions towards her.
Chia Yee's pretty, independent, laid-back, attentive, honest.
Wei Wei's easy-going, silly, honest, lovely, funny.
3. The most memorable thing she has done for you.
She always provides me with sweet. Lol.
She can make you feel you're in her throne or something. All the spotlight on you. XD
4. The most memorable thing she has said to you:
"Gan zhuo, gan dang."-I think, hahaha.
"Victor's test sure come out Pygmalion Effect and Galatea Effect one." And it did. XD
5. If she becomes your lover, you will:
Love them both lah. =.=
6. If she becomes your enemy, you will:
Hate them both lah. JOKING. LOL. Love them more. hahahhaa. We must love our enemies, right? XD
NOTE: I am skipping questions 7 and 8 and 9 since they are so non-logical for a girl-girl relationship. XD
7. If she becomes your lover, she has to improve on:
8. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is:
9. The most desirable thing to do on her is:
10. Your overall impression of her is:
Dependable, awesome mate!
Forever 21. LOL. J/k.
11. How do you think the people around you will feel around you?
You tell me lah. XD
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Must be thick skin hehehe.
13. On the contrary, the character you hate for yourself is?
Too laid-back at times.
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is:
Godly. Disciplined. Type-A personality? Kuakuakua.
15. For the friends who care about and likes you, say something about them:
Thank you for being my friend. God must have placed you in my life for whatever reasons lah. I'm happy to know each and everyone of you. =)
16. 10 friends to tag:
1. Wee Han
2. Iona
3. Janelle Ng
4. Aisha
5. Wai How
6. Chee Hong
7. Joo Li
8. Pek Kuan
9. Mathew
10. Ivan
17. Who is No.2 having a relationship with?
She has a boyfriend. I don't know who lah LOL.
18. Is No.3 a male or a female?
Female. Judge for yourselves.
19. If No.7 and No.10 were together, would it be a good thing?
I don't know, but I guess not for the time-being. Hahaha.
20. How about No.5 and No.8?
I have no comments! Just have buckets of laughter. HAHAHA.
21. What is No.1 studying?
22. Is No.4 single?
I think. =)
23. Say something about No.6.
He never updates his blog. =.=!
Catch the Chicken
I'm changing sides.
The Korean boys (The Amazing Race Asia 3) are out! Wanna know why? Besides the fact that they had a later flight, they were two unskilled city boys who didn't master the art of catching chickens.
Nevermind that sentence. Lol.
I'm currently rooting for,
The Korean boys (The Amazing Race Asia 3) are out! Wanna know why? Besides the fact that they had a later flight, they were two unskilled city boys who didn't master the art of catching chickens.
Nevermind that sentence. Lol.
I'm currently rooting for,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tagged by Ayesha
I did the first half waaaay long before. I don't wanna do again. Go to my archives la. =p
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Studying in SJK (C) Yuk Chai, PJ.
2. Not worrying about money.
3. No tuition. So chun.
4. Watching TV. I remember I got Astro when I was 8.
5. Used to hate bath time. Haha.
5 things on my To-Do List today:
1. Finish OL110 Chapter 2 by (yesterday). Postponed.
2. Finish OL125 Chapter 2 by (yesterday). Postponed.
3. Collect CG Fund. LOL.
4. Got 1 more tag, but tagged by two people. Need to write a list about those two.
5. I was supposed to write about "Top 10 Reasons Not To Join Toastmaster's". Whooopps!
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate.
2. Edamame.
3. Pringles.
4. Ice-cream.
5. McD's fries + sundae cone.
5 things to do if I were a billionaire:
1. Do a TV show. Something like Oprah's Big Give.
2. Perm my hair continually. Rm120 for 6 months, you see.
3. Get myself a stylist. (Joking joking).
4. Give.
5. Give sumore.
5 of my really bad habits:
1. Easily distracted.
2. Been slacking with God's Word this few days. Pray I'll get back on track soon.
3. Too much TV.
4. Too much Internet.
5. Too much Google, specifically.
5 jobs I've had:
1. Usher
2. Student
3. My sister's tutor
4. Driver (FOC)
5. Store assistant
5 of my hobbies:
1. Lazing around
2. Still lazing around
3. MSN
4. Still MSN
5. What else, MSN lah.
People to tag:
If your name is Google.
I am a Google addict, you know that?
*Imagining Wei Wei's laughter*
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Studying in SJK (C) Yuk Chai, PJ.
2. Not worrying about money.
3. No tuition. So chun.
4. Watching TV. I remember I got Astro when I was 8.
5. Used to hate bath time. Haha.
5 things on my To-Do List today:
1. Finish OL110 Chapter 2 by (yesterday). Postponed.
2. Finish OL125 Chapter 2 by (yesterday). Postponed.
3. Collect CG Fund. LOL.
4. Got 1 more tag, but tagged by two people. Need to write a list about those two.
5. I was supposed to write about "Top 10 Reasons Not To Join Toastmaster's". Whooopps!
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate.
2. Edamame.
3. Pringles.
4. Ice-cream.
5. McD's fries + sundae cone.
5 things to do if I were a billionaire:
1. Do a TV show. Something like Oprah's Big Give.
2. Perm my hair continually. Rm120 for 6 months, you see.
3. Get myself a stylist. (Joking joking).
4. Give.
5. Give sumore.
5 of my really bad habits:
1. Easily distracted.
2. Been slacking with God's Word this few days. Pray I'll get back on track soon.
3. Too much TV.
4. Too much Internet.
5. Too much Google, specifically.
5 jobs I've had:
1. Usher
2. Student
3. My sister's tutor
4. Driver (FOC)
5. Store assistant
5 of my hobbies:
1. Lazing around
2. Still lazing around
3. MSN
4. Still MSN
5. What else, MSN lah.
People to tag:
If your name is Google.
I am a Google addict, you know that?
*Imagining Wei Wei's laughter*
Monday, September 15, 2008
Perasan, but thankful!/Eighteen-and-a-day
"Where got people go blog about their own birthday one?"
That's an example of a stereotype. Maybe.
HAHAHA (for the 3 years to come, hahaha).
Okay okay I have to say this, "I'm 'surprised' by the Birthday party!!!"
- Saw Wei Wei, Siew Mei, Joo Li, Pek Kuan and Chee Hong in Sunway Pyramid the minute I walked in (just from the parking level). One minute after entering SP, then I saw you! XD
- Su Faye spilled some juices on Saturday. It was informative, really LOL.
- Tze-En said, "Let's go to the toilet." And we ended up heading to the ladies'; the cop store (to collect something); to C@tchUP - to compare prices; and MPH. MPH really lagged our time. HAHAHA.
I'm soo grateful for all your wonderful wishes and prezzies - not just those who went for the party =)
Hereby, I give free flying kisses to everybody.
Am waiting for the pictures. Send me send me!!!
(Still so immature at 18 weyy).
I had a great day. Thanks again people! You'll get to eat the cake soon (not the one above LOL).
God bless! =)
That's an example of a stereotype. Maybe.
HAHAHA (for the 3 years to come, hahaha).
Okay okay I have to say this, "I'm 'surprised' by the Birthday party!!!"
- Saw Wei Wei, Siew Mei, Joo Li, Pek Kuan and Chee Hong in Sunway Pyramid the minute I walked in (just from the parking level). One minute after entering SP, then I saw you! XD
- Su Faye spilled some juices on Saturday. It was informative, really LOL.
- Tze-En said, "Let's go to the toilet." And we ended up heading to the ladies'; the cop store (to collect something); to C@tchUP - to compare prices; and MPH. MPH really lagged our time. HAHAHA.
I'm soo grateful for all your wonderful wishes and prezzies - not just those who went for the party =)
Hereby, I give free flying kisses to everybody.
Am waiting for the pictures. Send me send me!!!
(Still so immature at 18 weyy).
I had a great day. Thanks again people! You'll get to eat the cake soon (not the one above LOL).
God bless! =)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Read My Mind
1. Am tagging Wei Wei to do the first picture tag where Ivanka Trump/Timberlake Ong (ITTO, as referred from Aisha's blog) tagged muah. You got the tag you wanted, start looking for pictures ya! =p

2. Am rooting for the Korean boys - William and Isaac - to win the Amazing Race Asia 3!
I'm surprised nobody (that I know of) watches this show. =/
1 John 4: 18
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.

2. Am rooting for the Korean boys - William and Isaac - to win the Amazing Race Asia 3!
I'm surprised nobody (that I know of) watches this show. =/

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Google This
I'm tagged. Because Aisha read my PM on MSN which said: "I need stress. Seriously."
(a) Answer the questions below, do a Google Image Search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, do it with minimal words of explanation.
(b) Tag FIVE other people to do the same once you've finished answering every question.
1. The age you'll be on your next birthday.
2. A place you'll like to travel to.
I saw a documentary, "1000 Places to See Before You Die."
Italy was one of it.

(a) Answer the questions below, do a Google Image Search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, do it with minimal words of explanation.
(b) Tag FIVE other people to do the same once you've finished answering every question.
1. The age you'll be on your next birthday.

Italy was one of it.
3. Your favorite place.

Not obsessed on either one. They make good TV though!
10. First name of your significant other/crush.
11. The town in which you live.
Ming Tian Food Court in PEEJAY. Get that right, PeeJay. XD
11. The town in which you live.

12. Your screen/nickname.
Need I say more?

13. Your first job.
I helped the boss, obviously. Hehe.
14. Your dream job.
18. The first thing you'll buy if you get 1 million dollars.
"Great things in life are priceless!"
I tag:
Andrew Chan. (I know lah I'm slow lol.)
Jane Tomomi.
Ivan Ong.
Iona Tan.
Tan Wei Wei. (Happy September Fool!)
Last minute addition: Lim Joo Li! Just felt like tagging you dear!
18. The first thing you'll buy if you get 1 million dollars.
"Great things in life are priceless!"
I tag:
Andrew Chan. (I know lah I'm slow lol.)
Jane Tomomi.
Ivan Ong.
Iona Tan.
Tan Wei Wei. (Happy September Fool!)
Last minute addition: Lim Joo Li! Just felt like tagging you dear!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Klang In PJ
I gotta say I'm super touched when Klang towners hit PJ!
Aisha, Iona, Rachel, Janelle, Wee Han, Andrew and Caleb!!!
This post is for you.
Rather, the pictures are for you.
Listen, I only have 3 pictures. T-H-R-E-E with humans.
And I totally apologize on behalf of my town's behavior. Haha.
Wee Han had to brake abruptly because the car in front stopped suddenly. It was...
...this close to a crash.
Maybe not.
Can't remember if I was exaggerating.
(Had to show Janelle a crab. Sorry you didn't get to eat Fatty Crab XD)
The car stopped for the roadside van which menjaja food. Don't know what he was menjaja-ing. The driver was hungry. Janelle was hungry too!
I can't remember what triggered Wee Han's ear to turn red. Compare it nicely to Aisha's spoon from her drink. Not much difference in colour, right?
That's what I thought.
Can't comment on the food lah. I'd be too biased to do such a thing! Hehe.
We headed back to my house after dinner.
Wee Han, Janelle, and Iona with their favorite Enid Blyton titles.
Wee Han: TheGweeky Greedy Rabbit.
Janelle: The Fairies' Shoemaker.
Iona: The Little Brownie House.
Iona: Eh, your room got these empty boxes! This room's a certified girl room.
Rachel: But I don't have any empty boxes in my room.
Anyway, I have some pictures to show you!
It's official. I permed my hair =D
Aisha, Iona, Rachel, Janelle, Wee Han, Andrew and Caleb!!!
This post is for you.
Rather, the pictures are for you.
Listen, I only have 3 pictures. T-H-R-E-E with humans.
And I totally apologize on behalf of my town's behavior. Haha.
Wee Han had to brake abruptly because the car in front stopped suddenly. It was...

Maybe not.
Can't remember if I was exaggerating.
(Had to show Janelle a crab. Sorry you didn't get to eat Fatty Crab XD)
The car stopped for the roadside van which menjaja food. Don't know what he was menjaja-ing. The driver was hungry. Janelle was hungry too!

I can't remember what triggered Wee Han's ear to turn red. Compare it nicely to Aisha's spoon from her drink. Not much difference in colour, right?
That's what I thought.
Can't comment on the food lah. I'd be too biased to do such a thing! Hehe.
We headed back to my house after dinner.

Wee Han: The
Janelle: The Fairies' Shoemaker.
Iona: The Little Brownie House.
The Little Brownie House (food obviously) should have been Janelle's! XD
And oh, my room's a certified girl room. *Applause*
And oh, my room's a certified girl room. *Applause*

Rachel: But I don't have any empty boxes in my room.
Anyway, I have some pictures to show you!

Last but not least,
"Happy birthday Mommy!"
God knows how much you mean to me. God bless you!
(The birthday pics are still with Wei-En hahahhaa.)
"Happy birthday Mommy!"
God knows how much you mean to me. God bless you!
(The birthday pics are still with Wei-En hahahhaa.)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Aisha Says "A Reason to Update".
1. A picture of you in the most unique environment:
5 beautiful girls = unique environment.
Look at the dirty plates and glasses and gravy (puke!) and tissue paper.
Can you say 'unique environment'?
2. A picture of you at somewhere you dislike:
3. A picture of someone that means a lot to you:
4. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth open):
(Due to my laziness to search for pictures hehe.)
Look at the dirty plates and glasses and gravy (puke!) and tissue paper.
Can you say 'unique environment'?
2. A picture of you at somewhere you dislike:
3. A picture of someone that means a lot to you:
4. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth open):
5. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth close):
Hahahhahahahahhahaha. I ALWAYS smile with my mouth open!
6. A picture of your lamest post:
Hahahhahahahahhahaha. I ALWAYS smile with my mouth open!
6. A picture of your lamest post:
I don't post lame posts...

Monday, September 1, 2008
I'm ready to fly
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am
Let go of fear wanna feel alive

I'm ready to fly
The more that you hold me back you set me free
You help my heart decide
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm ready
To fly
["Ready to Fly" by Amy Pearson]
Whenever you remember times gone by
Remember how we held our heads so high

When all this world was there for us
And we believed that we could touch the sky

Whenever you remember, I'll be there
Remember how we reached that dream together
Whenever you remember
["Whenever You Remember" by Carrie Underwood]
I could be the one
Someone You're looking for
I don't have much to give
Lord, I'm ready
And through You

I could be the one
Whatever You want me to do
I will hold on to
What You say could be done
I could be the one
["I Could Be The One" by Stacie Orrico]
Remembering the past we've shared,
Ready to live the present to the fullest,
Imagining and anticipating tomorrow for all that will come to past!
Surrounded by Your glory
What my heart will feel
Will I dance for You Jesus
Or in awe of You be still

Will I stand in Your presence
Or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
Will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
["I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe]
Nah, I'm not being emo. Hehehehe.
Just wanted to put up these pictures and duh, pen my thoughts. Some are mild, while some speak louder than others.
This is when blogging can do you good. XD
Let go of fear wanna feel alive

I'm ready to fly
The more that you hold me back you set me free
You help my heart decide
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm ready
To fly
["Ready to Fly" by Amy Pearson]
Whenever you remember times gone by
Remember how we held our heads so high

When all this world was there for us
And we believed that we could touch the sky

Whenever you remember, I'll be there
Remember how we reached that dream together
Whenever you remember
["Whenever You Remember" by Carrie Underwood]
I could be the one
Someone You're looking for
I don't have much to give
Lord, I'm ready
And through You

I could be the one
Whatever You want me to do
I will hold on to
What You say could be done
I could be the one
["I Could Be The One" by Stacie Orrico]
Remembering the past we've shared,
Ready to live the present to the fullest,
Imagining and anticipating tomorrow for all that will come to past!
Surrounded by Your glory
What my heart will feel
Will I dance for You Jesus
Or in awe of You be still

Will I stand in Your presence
Or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
Will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine

Nah, I'm not being emo. Hehehehe.
Just wanted to put up these pictures and duh, pen my thoughts. Some are mild, while some speak louder than others.
This is when blogging can do you good. XD
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